Sunday, January 8, 2012

The first weekend - AHHHH!

Needless to say, my iPad stayed in my school bag this weekend. I was quite relieved to have my full computer at my disposal. I worked on a Google Sites website for a good chunk of time. I tweaked several pages and embedded new documents, and linked word and PDF documents on seven different pages. It required a lot of HTML tweaking, which is actually doable on an iPad, so long as you have a keyboard. Did I say so long as you have a keyboard? Yes that. SO LONG AS YOU HAVE A KEYBOARD! Why, you ask? AH! Because the keyboard covers up what you are working on if you don't!There is an option to "split" your keyboard in settings. Yeah. Just what I want - a smaller keyboard. Why not just use my phone?

One little bit of iPad impracticality: You cannot right-click on a link to copy its location. Period. With or without a keyboard - that's a huge pain! It would have taken me a lot longer to set up the HTML code without that functionality (see left).

Another thing I worked on was a SlideRocket presentation. You simply can't do that on an iPad. You can VIEW a SlideRocket presentation if you download the free app, but you cannot access you account to create new projects or edit old ones. Actually, you can't even access the embed code.

Here is that presentation:

Apps Acquired:

  • None, as in zero (0) - this part is starting to feel like Bridget Jones!

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